The Cloverfield Monster, also known as Clover, is a given name to a member of the species of an unidentified daikaiju-sized creature. One emerged from the Atlantic Ocean to terrorize the city of New York in 2008. It grew to gigantic proportions due to consuming Seabed's nectar. An unknown number of these monsters attacked Earth in 2028 after the malfunction of the Particle Accelerator.
- Cloverfield (2008)
- The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
These beings are extradimensional entities that resided in an unidentified dimension prior to being brought to our universe due to a malfunction of the Particle Accelerator on the Cloverfield Station in Earth's orbit in 2028.
2008 Attack and invasion[]
Due to a malfunction in the Particle Accelerator in 2028, an infant member of this species was transported from the unknown dimension and landed into the 2008 version of Earth. A drilling station was destroyed before the creature was awoken and emerged from the Atlantic Ocean, which it had entered with a loud splash and then descended into the dark, deep waters. It then invaded and attacked New York.
2028 energy crisis[]
In the alternate universe of the year 2028, humans are running out of energy and on the brink of war. The crew of the international space station known as the "Cloverfield Station" attempts to test the Particle Accelerator in an attempt to get unlimited renewable energy, but unfortunately, the test has gone overloaded, which resulted in the multiple parallel dimensions colliding and the monsters from one of the dimensions attacking ours. It is unknown how many of these creatures have wreaked havocs around the Earth, but the adult member of the species can be seen emerging from and over the clouds and roaring over as the two surviving members of the space station return to Earth.
- In the 2008 film, the origins of the creature are purposely left unexplained, but J. J. Abrams claimed that it's not intended to be viewed as an alien, but as a creature from Earth.
- However, due to the presence of Aliens in 10 Cloverfield Lane. The chances of the Cloverfield monster being Alien in origin have greatly increased and was in fact truly correct.
- The third film (referred to as The Cloverfield Paradox) in the Cloverfield franchise explains the creatures' origins as coming from another dimension. It is altogether possible that the events of this film are a separate universe than Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane, as the premise of the film revolves around a parallel universe, although it’s once believed and considered that the Cloverfield monster was in fact an alien. It’s also once believed and considered that overload could be connected to the Cloverfield multiverse due to the fact that they believed and considered it to be true as it would be a possible stand-alone prequel to the Cloverfield franchise.
- In Pacific Rim: Uprising, the skull of Clover was shown on a sheet of not only Precursor Kaiju, but classic Kaiju as well.
- Though some many fan theories propose that the adult form of Clover stand around one kilometer tall or even 65 kilometers tall, no official source of the actual size of the adult exists.