Alien Species

The Chumarozans are a humanoid cyborg species from the misty planet of Chumaroza.


Gromozeka Cosplay

Gromozeka, a Chumarozan, compared to humans

The weight of an adult Chumarozan is 8.5 vyrlyas in Chumarozan measures (320 kilograms). Chumarozans have two legs and three pairs of arms. Chumarozans are cyborgs, so they have many inorganic body parts, including tubular eyes that can change focus and have a wider field of vision (unlike other humanoids). Chumarozans also have a metal casing, worn on their bodies like a spacesuit. This allows members of this race to fly autonomously in outer space. Tea is known to be poison to this race.

Notable Chumarozans[]

The archaeology professor Gromozeka and his children (Oromozik, Pomogriz and Zemogrok) belonged to this race.
