Alien Species

Chirp Chirps are a species of small, bipedal ape-like animals that can be encountered on several planets of the galaxy.


Although vaguely simian, Chirp Chirps have a rounded body with black skin, and a slightly pinkish underbelly and white hair. Their arms are lined with antennae protrusions, each with a black and pink stem and a white orb at the tip. Their simian similarities are evident in their facial structure, and their three-fingered hands, though they have weak plates on their single-toed legs.

They are known for eating meat, but most of their diet consists of fruit, and as they don't have many natural defenses against predators, they have a small territorial range and mostly keep to a family nest to socialize with eachother and to avoid carnivores.

Whole nests of Chirp Chirps had been known to be whipped out by predators.
