Centuripedes are a sapient spacefaring insectoid species with two known forms. For millennia, they have migrated to Earth and built space-traveling pods out of oak wood and mucus to safely transport their young to space.
Mature Centuripedes resemble large worm-like or centipede-like creatures with a segmented body, a pair of termite-like mandibles, multiple short legs and a tail. After laying their eggs, they can revert to their winged form, which resembles a humanoid butterfly. The young ones emerge from the eggs resembling miniature versions of this winged form as well, thus indicating that the vermiform stage is just a temporary one assumed during their breeding period.
Culture and society[]
Centuripedes don't seem to be able to communicate with Humans. They are a friendly species and show gratitude by offering gifts, such as acorns, as well as by saving others from imminent danger when possible.
- K-9, s01e14, "The Last Oak Tree" (2010)