The Cavutust or Flesh-Pilots are a species of tiny aliens that live in other species.
Inch sized humanoids that are actually caretakers of their Obdurate masters’ bodies. However they are unable to speak unless they are inside an Obdurate or alien host. They could take the pain from other species in peril by absorbing it into themselves. An experienced Flesh Pilot, in its prime, can take control of a new body in two hours. Flesh-pilots are short range telepaths and while unable to vocally communicate, instead are able to do so with each other via exchanging memories through touch. Though are short-range telepaths and can sense when another Cavutust host is close.
However what made the flesh-pilots dangerous to other sentients, was not just their ability to absorb skills, but effectively become a copy of the individuals in knowledge and personality of those they merge with.
Cavutust while appearing to be humanoid little people, care actually fabricated constructions. Their clothing is made of carbon nano-threads. which hides a robotic frame that serves as a casing for the real form of the Cavutust, which is a small grub-like creature with six limbs and a long snout. According to an analysis, the real form of the Cavutust has a totally decentralized nervous system. It has 19 tiny brains scattered throughout its body, making their mind unfathomable to understand. Their humanoid exoskeleton merely serves as an interface to interact with the physical world.
Flesh-Pilots were afforded by the ultra elite but could be contracted by other species to heal damage.
Originally believed not to be a sapient species by the reigning galactic powers, after Proteus Vex was revealed to have a flesh-pilot which displayed understanding and intelligence and turned rogue against the Imperium Ascendant, his government issued a quarantine of the species under the pretense to further study the flesh-pilots. The species were branded as parasites, despite being symbiotes, and the Imperium played on the public's fears that the flesh-pilots were insidious creatures that tempt the weak with promises of renewed health and clarity.
Due to their ability to absorb their host's minds, the species were believed that they did not have an understanding of privacy and thus were dangerous and saw other species as pack animals. Though in truth the quarantine was to enact retribution against Vex and to cull the flesh-pilots so that the Imperium could exploit them first and then eliminate them. Proteus Vex and his compatriot Ko Andrum were forced to come out of hiding to rescue as many flesh-pilots as they could to prevent them from being taken into Imperium custody.
According to Vex the flesh-pilots are true symbiotes that act as co-processors for the host that can share memories and skills.
Despite Proteus Vex's role in ending the Scorcher War, seemingly sacrificing his own life to save the Imperium Ascendant and the galaxy by the Scorcher threat, the Imperium still continued to hunt the Cavutust, desiring to locate the Sanctuary which only Proteus and his accomplices were privy to.
By the age of the Eighth Conflict, prejudice against the Cavutust had vanished.
- 2000 AD Issue 2162: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part One by Michael Carroll (2019)
- 2000 AD Issue 2164: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part Three by Michael Carroll (2020)
- 2000 AD Issue 2169: Another Dawn: Part Five by Michael Carroll (2020)
- 2000 AD Issue 2262: Desire Paths: Part One by Michael Carroll (2021)
- 2000 AD Issue 2263: Desire Paths: Part Two by Michael Carroll (2022)
- 2000 AD Issue 2264: Desire Paths: Part Three by Michael Carroll (2022)
- 2000 AD Issue 2382: Devious: Part Eight By Michael Carroll (2024)