Catnipian, also known as a Kat Nebulan, is a sapient felinoid species from planet Catnip.
Catnipians are a quadruped feline species with gray skin with dark blue stains. Their physical appearance can be likened to that of a somewhat small Sphynx cat, however they have large reflective eyes and extremely durable claws. This species doesn't have pupils and are able to fabricate a heartbeat but normally haven't any.
the catnipians' anatomy is a bit strange, their insides are different compared to the cat insides. Their cybernetic body appears to have these following features; three bionic hearts which allows them to survive cyborg years, one robotic stomach which allows them to eat so much and two motherboards attached to their "Brains" for Enhancement to intelligence.
Planet Catnip, is inhabited by super powered alien cats or Catnipians. Some of their powers are monster-like roars, super strength, and intelligence beyond human capacity. Kat is an alien cyborg that lived the Kat Planet but lives on Earth. is also called "Kat Nebula" in some sites and is mentioned on one episode, "Trick or Threat".
They they are polluting en masse they planets and because of that they conquering other worlds and transforming them for they use. They trying to take rule under Earth but they failed.
This species does happen to exhibit several humanoid qualities, such as walking upright, opening doors, manipulating objects with their front paws.
This race appears to have extreme anger issues and will do almost anything for revenge.
Their planet doesn't have much, if any, water, Which implies that cats can survive with very limited hydration. Their planet's gravity is unknown but Kat can tolerate Earth's gravity and Coop had no problem with Kat Nebula`s Gravity, which would suggest they have similar gravity. Changing gravity is, as far as it is known, impossible even with Kat's technology.
- Kid vs. Kat (2008-2011)