These are beings from other dimensions, sapient or not.
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- Adjule (The Troop)
- Aealacreatrananda
- Aetherian
- Afteran
- Akrida
- Alien (Ferocious Planet)
- Alien Dragon (Dragon City)
- Alien Grunt
- Amphibian
- Ancient (Farscape)
- Andromedan (The Galaxy Being)
- Angel
- Angel (Cavender Is Coming)
- Angel (Supernatural)
- Anti-Spiral
- Antlion
- Anunnaki
- Apothicon
- Arachnitect
- Arch-vile
- Arfgardian
- Arkeyans
- Asgardian
- Ash Wraith
- Aspirant
- Aura Beasts
- Baalgar
- Banshee (Space Rangers)
- Barast
- Barnacle (Half-Life)
- Baron of Hell
- Basilisk (The Troop)
- Behemoth (The Troop)
- Beyonder
- Biboo
- Bijū
- Black-Eyed Child
- Blaze (Minecraft)
- Blood Thrasher
- Bloodletter
- Bloodthirster
- Bollabie
- Bone Thieves (Backrooms)
- Boneless
- Boohbah
- Borlak
- Boskus
- Brother of Chaugnar Faugn
- Bruiser (Doom)
- Builder (Marvel)
- Bullsquid
- Bullton
- Cacodemon
- Carnagor
- Celestial
- Celestial Trewhaala
- Celestialsapien
- Centaurian (Mortal Kombat)
- Chaos God
- Chaotic Space Dweller
- Cherub (Doom)
- Chicken (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
- Chronovore
- Cipher
- Clippen
- Cloverfield Monster
- Cobriza
- Collector (The Owl House)
- Combine
- Contemelia
- Copperhead
- Cosmic Guardian
- Creatures of the Mist
- Cromulon
- Crooked Man
- Crow
- Cthulhu
- Cucuy (Cucuy: The Boogeyman)
- Cuteling
- Cyberdemon
- Cyclops (Skylanders)
- D'Jinn
- Daemon (Warhammer 40,000)
- Daemon Prince
- Daemonette
- Dagon (Ben 10)
- Dark Elf
- Darkling (Masters of the Universe)
- Darkspawn
- Datch
- Deerfox
- Demobat
- Demodragon
- Demogorgon (Stranger Things)
- Demon
- Demon (Doom)
- Demon (Hellgate)
- Demon (I of Newton)
- Demon (Masters of the Universe)
- Demon (Mortal Kombat)
- Demon (Rifts)
- Demon (The Owl House)
- Demons (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Devil from the Outer Dark
- Devourer (Young Justice)
- Devourer of the Abyss
- Dimension Mite
- Dimensional Horror
- Dimensional Horror (The Tomb from Beyond)
- Dimensional Shambler
- Dinohattanite
- Doodle Fairy
- Doomer
- Doopidoo
- Doppelgänger (The Twilight Zone)
- Dragon (The Troop)
- Dragon-Horse
- Draykanian
- Dryad (The Troop)
- Duckworldian
- Eater of Light
- Eater of Lost Souls
- Eck's species
- Ectruan
- Edda
- Edenian
- Egg Animal
- Elachi
- Elder God
- Eleos
- Elysian
- Employee (Dead Run)
- Ender Dragon
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Enfuego Chompy
- Enslaver
- Equaar Architect
- Eris Fairie
- Eternal (Doctor Who)
- Eternatus
- Euclidean
- Evra
- Extra-galactic alien (Men in Black)
- Face (The Twilight Zone)
- Fairy (Hilda)
- Fairy (Torchwood)
- Fairy (Winx Club)
- Fairy Entity
- Fantasmen
- Fetid Hulk
- Final Space Worm
- Fire Dog
- Fire Geargolem
- Fire Golem
- Fire Spell Punk
- Flame Imp
- Flame Spirit
- Flamer
- Flaxan
- Flowering Matilda
- Flurgle's species
- Flying Basilisk (Winx Club)
- Flying Rod
- Four-dimensional Space Whale
- Fractallian
- Fragment
- Frobot
- Fryno
- Fuginaut
- Fury (Warhammer 40,000)