Alien Species

"Cassette Bats" are an unnamed subspecies of semi-sapient bat-like Mini-Cassettes from the planet Cybertron.



Cassette Bats share a similar to other Cybertronian Mini-Cassettes, except their robot modes resemble bats.

In addition to cassette tapes, Cassette Bats can transform into either keytars or Cybertronian data disks.

Powers and abilities[]

Cassette Bats share many of the same abilities as other Mini-Cassettes, namely fitting into the chest compartments of Cybertronians such as Soundwave and Blaster.

Culture and society[]

In the wild, Cassette Bats are functionally similar to non-sapient bats until they are captured and domesticated by other Cybertronians. The most notable Cassette Bats are Ratbat and Wingthing.

While they are commonly affiliated with the Decepticons upon domestication, incarnations of Nightstrike are alternatively affiliated with the Star Raiders.


Malgus Cluster[]

Cassette Bats exist as Cybertronians created on Earth using AllSpark fragments.



  • Cassette Bats are among the few animalistic breeds of Mini-Cassettes to not be given an official name.
  • Wingthing is only portrayed as a Cassette Bat in both Transformers Animated and various Generation 1 toys, being portrayed elsewhere as an Action Master partner.
    • Likewise, Skar is exclusively portrayed as a Cassette Bat only in the Generations Selects toyline, being portrayed elsewhere as a Powermaster.
  • The "Aligned" continuity family incarnations of Cassette Bats are capable of being reformatted into other types of Mini-Cons. For example, Ratbat is depicted as a Torpedo in the 2015 Transformers: Robots in Disguise toyline.