Alien Species

Carpanthans, a.k.a. Fishmen, are a sapient species of amphibious humanoids which inhabit the oceans of Earth.


Carpanthans are tail-less bipeds with scaly skin and webbed hands. They can breathe in air or water. Described by the Doctor as "cold-blooded", they feel discomfort in higher temperatures.

Carpanthans claim that their minds are more advanced than Humans, and that they can understand all languages. This, combined with their apparent ability to sense whether or not they can trust someone, indicates that they might have some level of telepathy.

Culture and society[]

Carpanthans live in undersea cities and prefer to remain unknown to Humans, who they refer to as "Terraineans". The Doctor has described them as honourable people and a "higher civilisation". After their original city was accidentally destroyed, they built a new city out of sunken ships.


  • Doctor Who comics, "The Fishmen of Carpantha" (1970)


  • "Carpanthans" and "Fishmen" are both names that they use for themselves.