Alien Species

The carnivorous plants are an unnamed species of size-changing, semi-sapient carnivorous plants from the G5 Galaxy, possibly from the same planet as Captain Chaku's species.


Only seedlings of the carnivorous plants have been seen by Humans, and it is unknown if the plants retain their appearance and diet throughout their lifespan. As seedlings, the carnivorous plants bloom from bud-like growths, and are mostly purple in color, with some green in the centers of the leaves around their "heads." They can move their stems, heads, and leaves freely, although they are anchored to the spot they grew out of. Their heads have a mouth with no teeth, making it likely that they use acid to dissolve prey into liquids that they can digest, although this process does not seem to happen immediately. Within their mouths is green mucus, which sticks to prey, possibly used in the digestive process or to protect the plant from its own acid, and will wash off. The plant is able to digest various inanimate objects, and will regurgitate plastic, although some objects it can eat appear to make them sick, as they will vomit afterwards as their mouths droop. Notably, the plant is somehow able to grow to large sizes, also extending its roots, capable of growing large enough to swallow two Humans whole at the same time. The specimen owned by Captain Chaku appeared to have multiple heads of different sizes growing from the same pot, but it is unknown if they are all the same organism or individual plants. If they are all the same organism, only the primary/largest head is capable of growing. Also notably, the carnivorous plants appear semi-sapient, able to be trained as a sort of immobile pet, and possibly able to comprehend verbal commands. While they appear able to see or at least sense movement, as they only attack what moves and quickly grew upon "seeing" Humans, they have no visible sensory organs. The plants appear to have at least two genders, as Captain Chaku referred to his plant as "she." It is unknown what the male variant looks like, if there are any visible differences. It is unknown if the carnivorous plants photosynthesize, but if they do, they appear able to survive without any sunlight for a considerable amount of time, as Chaku's plant was held in a fully sealed box and taken throughout space with him. It is also unknown if the plant is capable of surviving in Earth's soil.


At some point in the past, members of Captain Chaku's species figured out how to domesticate the carnivorous plants, keeping them as houseplants/pets and developing a repellant spray to keep them under control. Even members of the G5 Galaxy Police Force were allowed to own the carnivorous plants, and Captain Chaku came to own a seedling at some point before coming to Earth. When he accepted a position in Earth's Grid Battleforce, he brought the plant with him, and it was carried into his quarters by Ben and Betty Burke, two bumbling Human Grid Battleforce security guards. Betty opened up the box that the plant was held in, fascinated by it, but Captain Chaku warned them not to move so that the plant will not attack. Despite his warning, the two panicked when the plant grew, causing it to swallow them. Captain Chaku quickly sprayed the plant with repellant and ordered to release them, which it did, leaving the two covered in mucus. After Captain Chaku was reverted to a fully organic being and retired from the G5 Galaxy Police Force to return to his daughter, he left the plant and its repellant spray in the care of Grid Battleforce. Ben and Betty managed to train the plant to be a living garbage disposal, as it would eat garbage but spit out recyclable plastic, although the garbage it ate caused it to vomit.


  • Power Rangers Beast Morphers, s26e11, "The Greater Good" (2020)


  • Ben and Betty assumed that the plant was from Captain Chaku's planet and galaxy, and Chaku did not offer any objections to either assumption, making it extremely likely that the plant is native to his planet.