Alien Species

Calopians are a sapient, spacefaring species from the planet Calopia.


Calopians are colorless blob-like creatures. They are a single-sexed species which the Doctor claims could be perceived as all-male, although they don't see themselves as such. Since they have no females, they use the naturally warm and wet caverns of their planet as "wombs" in which their offspring can develop.

Despite their asexual means of reproduction, Calopians form pair-bonds and do most things in pairs. Their children are extraordinarily precocial, capable of learning how to fly a spaceship within hours after being born, although with the help of an autopilot.

In spite of their gelatinous nature, Calopians can be killed by bullets. After death, their bodies rapidly liquefy.


  • Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories, Short Trips: Volume 3, "Wet Walls" (2011)