Alien Species

The Brainsuck Aliens are an otherwise unnamed species which present themselves as a corporate enterprise known as Brainsuck Industries. They wander through the universe landing on various planets and merging with other companies, claiming to bring "synergy": actually a front for their real agenda, which is to feed on the locals' brains.


These aliens are Human-sized liquivores with a slug-like lower body, four arms and a bulbous head. Their skin can be either orange or red. Their hands have short stubby digits. They have two eyes and two radically different mouths. The lower mouth is similar to a normal humanoid mouth and is used for speaking, while the upper mouth is a long tubular proboscis located on the alien's forehead, and is used for sucking the brain out of other creatures through the victims' ears.

Consuming the brains of idiotic creatures is bad for the aliens, resulting in severe illness and possibly even death.

Culture and society[]

Members of this species have names which are very difficult to pronounce by Human standards, although the Pointy-Haired Boss did manage to pronounce the alien CEO's name correctly. They wear business suits (albeit with no pants, due to their legless nature) and toupées.

Brainsuck Industries

The Brainsuck aliens' spaceship, which also serves as Brainsuck Industries headquarters.

The headquarters of Brainsuck Industries are located in the aliens' spaceship. They seem to be more of a colonizing project than a corporation in the traditional sense, and might only be disguised as such in order to fool the inhabitants of the planets they plan to colonize. Their main colonizing strategy seems to consist of arriving on a planet, convincing native companies to merge with them by claiming that they bring synergy, and proceeding to suck out the natives' brains. Whether they envision the extermination or subjugation of the natives or merely a source of nourishment is still unclear.



Dilbert brings the alien CEO to meet the marketing department, saving the Earth as a result.

After the aliens' arrival on planet Earth, their CEO met with the Pointy-Haired Boss of the Path-E-Tech Company and they soon agreed on a merger. Since this would result in the dismissal of some of his coworkers, such as Wally, Dilbert planned to stop the merger and invited the alien CEO to visit the marketing department, where the alien consumed the brain of a marketing employee, becoming terribly ill as a result. Afterwards, Dilbert secretly brought the CEO back to the aliens' ship, where the other aliens found him and decided that Earth was not a good place to colonize, departing almost instantly. However, before leaving, Brainsuck Industries was bought by Dogbert and is now owned by the Dogbert Company.

After departing from Earth, the Brainsuck aliens arrived on Orgaplon VI, and announced that they'd be bringing synergy, much to the horror of the native Orgaplonians.


  • Dilbert, s02e08, "The Merger" (2000)


  • Brainsuck Industries was the first extraterrestrial corporation to plan a merger with the Path-E-Tech Company, followed by the Galactic Protein Company eight years later.