Alien Species

Bragu's species is a sapient, unnamed humanoid race that discovered warp drive technology in the 24th century.


Members of this species are pale-skinned, blue-eyed humanoids with five-fingered hands and large bulbous heads. They produce copious amounts of green mucus from their noses, and enjoy eating microwaved fish.

Culture and society[]

Bragu's species are a friendly civilization, welcoming towards strangers, and eager to learn about other species. Unfortunately, many of their customs are considered repulsive by most Humans.

Bragu's species value their nasal mucus, as they believe it contains their essence and binds them to all things. They consider it respectful to pick their noses before shaking hands, and will spread their mucus on their own clothes, as well as the interior walls and furniture of their buildings. They will even consume their own mucus by adding it as sauce to their national dish of microwaved leftover fish. The concept of washing hands is unfamiliar to them. They also have a tradition of watching reality TV shows, and lick each other's eyeballs to say goodbye.


  • Star Trek: Very Short Treks, s01e03, "Worst Contact" (2023)