Alien Species

The Bosphs are a four-armed alien race native to the planet Bosph. They have a stocky, humanoid shape, although their semi-circular heads are attached directly to their torso, without a neck. Their heads are dominated by two multi-faceted eyes and a pair of horns. Their hands and feet each have three digits, and their skin color ranges from light brown to dark gray. They are isolationists by nature, with a deep respect for philosophy and religion. Bosph leaders are known to have sensitivity to the Force, and can control it to some degree. Certain Bosphs have attained greatness, and were allowed to place their own personal glyphs on objects. The Bosphs maintain their space-faring history by tattooing elaborate starmaps on their skin. After the Empire destroyed much of their homeworld, most Bosphs simply dis-remembered the Empire and its acts, instead blaming the attack on the Yenntar.
