The Body Squeezers were a race of malevolent alien beings originating from an unknown planet that arrived on Earth with a meteorite.
The Body Squeezers are big green-skinned beings with oval black eyes, deep nostrils and a small, lipless mouth. They also have two curled tusks and caps of green skin formed over their foreheads, curved and hard like a turtle shell.
Some Body Squeezers can be blue and red.
Powers and abilities[]
As their name implies, the Body Squeezers are able to enter and possess their victims by squeezing them.
Some Body Squeezers use devices to freeze their victims and traps them in black balls.
The destruction of their leader led to the destruction of the entire group residing on Earth.
- Goosebumps Series 2000 #4: Invasion of The Body Squeezers Part 1
- Goosebumps Series 2000 #5: Invasion of The Body Squeezers Part 2
- Give Yourself Goosebumps Special Edition #6: Revenge of The Body Squeezers
- Goosebumps (2015 film)