Alien Species

The Blisk are a warrior race from the once lush radioactive ocean paradise Mars, they have had a long standing rivalry with the Furon species.


The Blisk are incredibly large in build, with an appearance similar to a crab and a cockroach, they have trinocular vision, two arms with tridactyl digits, and they are bipedal in locomotion, the species functions on a unified hive mind connecting all Blisk units, they seem to have some kind of shapeshifting ability as they have been known to assume a Human form, they also seem to have similar biochemistry to Humans as they can consume Earth foods such as bananas, also similar to Humans, rare cases of albinism have been seen among their kind, and despite the species showing no form of sexual dimorphism, Blisk do have males as well as females. Much like the Furons, Blisks were known to go to Earth for "shore leave", mostly in Russia, which resulted in the humans of that area to have Blisk dna in their genetic code.

They thrive in environments full of water, with extreme levels of radioactivity, though they have been seen to be able to survive in the vacuum of space with no kind of survival equipment.

Culture and Society[]

The Blisk are a warrior culture, and according to the holographic spirit of the Furon Orthopox 13, they liked bragging about their paradisal home of Mars, they seemingly have entirely biological technology, bar items such as the Ancient Blisk Armour of Anti-Furonity +1 which was worn by Premier Milenkov, and they have developed spores which can mutate Humans into hybrid mutants.

Their primary language is Bliskish but they have the ability to speak Earth English, and they do know the song Rock Lobster by the B52's.


In the ancient past, the Blisk ruled Mars from their many underwater cities, at some point, due to their cockiness, the Blisk went to war with the Furons, though they took many lives over the course of the conflict, they where no match for the nuclear weaponry used by the Furons which turned Mars into a desert wasteland, the last remaining Blisk warship crashed in the remote Siberian tundra of Earth, in what Humans refer to as the Tunguska event of 1908, due to the immense similarities between Bliskish and Russian, the Blisk managed to insight a revolution among the oppressed Russian people, founding the Soviet Union, the Blisk where actually every major communist figure up until 1969 (except Trotsky).

By 1969, the Blisk had taken out the remaining branches of Majestic, but they also came into the knowledge that the U.S.A. was currently being ruled over by the Furon invader Cryptosporidium 138, and they feared the new mutation he had gained from the pure Furon DNA with him which was known as 'The Package', they feared he would interfere with their devious master plan, to insight a nuclear was and turn Earth into the new Blisk homeworld, to stall Crypto, they destroyed the mothership in orbit around the Earth, and ordered KGB agents to make deals with the hippie knoen as Coyote Bongwater, and they moved forward with terror attacks across Albion involving infecting Humans with Blisk spores and turning them into hybrid mutants, the most success full experiment was performed on Kojira, a single Pisces who was the summer intern for the KGB's Takoshima base, she was turned into a massive, Human/Blisk Hybrid Kaiju, eventually, all these plans where foiled by Cryptosporidium, with help from the rouge KGB agent Natalya Ivanova, meanwhile, the Soviets and the Blisk has made a joint base on the Earth's Moon, and it also resulted in a romance between Cosmonaut Commander Leonid, and a female Blisk unit, because of bananas, the Blisk base on the moon was destroyed and all remaining Blisk units where either killed by the virus which had been delivered by NASA, or at the hands of Cryptosporidium.

