Alien Species

The Bendu is a strange and unique creature with a strong and powerful connection with the Force. He lives on Atollon.

An ancient being, Bendu claimed to represent the center of the Force, standing between the light and the dark side. In 2 BBY, Bendu lived on the planet Atollon where the Phoenix Squadron maintained a base. He called out to the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, who was meditating outside Chopper Base. Kanan had retreated into meditation after losing his sight during a mission to Malachor. Bendu called out to Kanan and eventually led him into a series of mesas in the wilderness.

When Kanan finally arrived, Bendu told the Jedi Knight that his imbalance had awoken him from his slumber. After introducing himself, he allowed Kanan to identify himself as a Jedi Knight. Bendu listened as Kanan told him about his fear that his apprentice Ezra Bridger was falling to the dark side. When Kanan showed him the Sith holocron that Ezra had obtained on Malachor, Bendu explained that an object could not make someone good or evil. However, he stressed that only a person could choose to change themselves. The Bendu then took an interest in Kanan's sensor marker, which the Jedi had used to ward off several krykna, arachnid predators that were indigenous to Atollon.

Bendu then destroyed the sensor marker. When Kanan protested, he told the Jedi that he would never regain his sight but that he could teach Kanan to see through his other senses. When Kanan agreed to take his lesson, Bendu instructed the Jedi to empty his mind, turn around and walk forward. Kanan was quickly surrounded by two krykna which did not attack him. Bendu then explained that Kanan's bad experience with creatures stemmed from not seeing them for what they actually were. Kanan began to make peace with the krykna but was startled when he sensed that Ezra was in danger. After igniting his lightsaber, Kanan realized that the krykna had been feeding off his fear and emotions. When Kanan deduced that he had isolated himself from everyone and the Force, Bendu commented that he had finally regained his Force connection. Before leaving to rescue Ezra, Kanan left the Sith holocron with Bendu. Bendu then inspected the object and laughed.
