Alien Species

Battlers are a non-sapient species of large hexapedal predators. They are native to an unnamed Earth-like planet which has been used as a prison colony for Human war prisoners captured by the Bugs.


Battlers are large, vaguely elephantine creatures with six legs, two long trunks or tentacles, and a razorsharp horn on their foreheads. Each tentacle is over 20 ft long (~ 6 meters). Their skin is mottled in black, green and yellow. Below the two tentacles is a mouth with three concentric rows of shark-like teeth. They have a pair of small eyes protected by body ridges.

Battlers are omnivorous and known for their vicious temperament and for brutally tearing their prey apart with their tentacles. If that method proves ineffective, they will use their horn to impale prey. They cannot swim.

The only quick way of killing a full-grown Battler is to damage its brain, which is protected by a very thick skull. As a result, the only effective way of accomplishing this is to shoot or spear the beast through the roof of its mouth.


  • The Escape Orbit, by James White (1965)