Alien Species

The Baalgars are a species of powerful demons also known as shadow lords. One Baalgar was cybernetically modified and revived into a Cyberdemon, distinct from the Tyrants that previously held the title of Cyberdemons.



The skull of a Baalgar in Deag Ranak's Arctic base

Baalgars are large, bulky humanoids, almost double the size of a Baron of Hell. Their bodies are covered in green natural armor, leaving their feet, hands, head, and part of their arms exposed. All exposed flesh bears a pinkish tone, and Baalgars have large claws at the tips of their fingers and toes. A natural vambrace with a protruding spike forms over the right wrist of the Baalgars, and two large, sharp horns form on the forehead of the Baalgars, growing to the sides. Baalgars have four red eyes and a gaping mouth resembling that of the Cyclopedic Mancubus, although with split jaw components that make it better resemble an armored Cacodemon. Like Tyrants, Baalgars are extremely durable, and like all demons, they can be controlled by the current Dark Lord, overriding their own free will. The sapience of the Baalgars is unknown, as all known interactions they had with Humans were limited to a single cybernetically-enhanced member being controlled by the Spider Mastermind.


During the Third Age of Hell, a battle was fought in the Titan's Realm, presumably against the Doom Slayer. At least one Baalgar fell during that battle, and its remains were petrified. The records of the battle were recovered by a Union Aerospace Corporation expeditionary team in 2143, and the remains of the Baalgar were recovered. UAC researchers began piecing the Baalgar back together, initially for an educational exhibit, but then found that Argent Energy could be used to revive the demon. A growing faction of cultists within the UAC quickly took command of the operation, reconstructing the demon in the Lazarus Labs. UAC cybernetic technology was used to restore the left arm and right foot of the Baalgar, as well as implant an Argent Accumulator in the right side of the demon's chest, making it into a powerful Cyberdemon. The Baalgar was revived with controlled doses of Argent Energy, kept in a brain-dead state for the safety of the workers. However, its cybernetic uplink to the Argent Accumulator allowed it to regain all functions within a few minutes. A cultist named Jacobson lured the Baalgar to a massive holding pen, where it could be contained. However, Jacobson was unable to escape, and the Baalgar killed him. The cultists found evidence that the Baalgar's actions were from the command of a higher intelligence, a hidden entity controlling the demons, presumably the Spider Mastermind.

The Baalgar was kept in captivity until the Doom Slayer entered its pen during the demonic invasion of Mars. After a fierce battle, the Doom Slayer ripped out the Baalgar's Argent Accumulator, killing the Baalgar and allowing the Doom Slayer to be transported to Hell. However, the Baalgar's body was taken to Hell with him, and the energy of Hell revived it. After another battle with the Slayer, the Slayer ripped off one of the Baalgar's horns and used it to decapitate the demon, killing it for good. At an unknown period of time, the skull of a smaller, possibly younger Baalgar was retrieved and placed within an arctic cultist base, and had no evidence of cybernetic modifications, or any other attempt to reconstruct its body. When the Doom Slayer attacked the cultist base to find and kill the Hell Priest Deag Ranak, the skull remained inactive.


  • Doom (2016)
  • Doom Eternal (2020)