The Articulated Angstok is an insect-like predator which lives in the desert.
The Articulated Angstok is a ceraintharoid organism capable of extremely rapid growth. The main body of the animal is generally buried, with only a small protuberance visible above ground. When it detects sound or movement, it will sprout into action, forming limbs and extensions to capture its prey. In a nutshell, it is the skeleton of a creature that is able to grow its bones. When the extensions reach the prey, a deadly mouth full of crooked spikes grabs the prey and crushes them to death slowly.
Articulated angstoks grow in clusters, as illustrated by the old Trebhum saying “when you run from one Angstok, make sure you’re not running into a forest” (i.e. don’t focus so much on avoiding one problem that you end up creating more). Empty angstok husks, left behind after the organism has retreated back into the ground, are generally not dangerous.
Occasionally, Instead of sprouted a mouth to trap you, they will sprout one of their seed pods which can be eaten for the rattle trunk mutation, allowing your trunk to create a rattling sound that will frighten creatures a lot more than the Deimatic Trunk..
Like most desert creatures, the Articulated Angstok is unpredictable at first. When you come too close, they will activate and rapidly grow in your direction. They can be dodged, but are pretty unexpected and scary when you first meet them.