Alien Species

The Arrat are a species from Mysaa II.


Arrat are red furred burly bipedal jackal-like creatures that stand about 2.5 meters tall.

They possess a very strong pack mentality which is made stronger die to an empathic bond that all members of the species share. Arrat are thus able to transmit basic concepts between each other to function as a fluid unit to hunt and weed prey. The range of an Arrat's empathy is about 30 meters.


The Arrat were discovered by Tavlek mercenaries around fifty cycles ago. The two species came to an understanding, with the Arrat acting as additional muscle for the Tavlek.


The Arrat are pack hunters from a world of wide plains. The Arrat are a sentient race, though they are still primitive, having never developed technology beyond the spear and wear rudimentary clothing.

Though individuals exist within Arrat packs, everyone is considered a part of the whole and selfish considerations rarely arise. To the Arrat a pack is not just a hunting party, but a family, a tribe and center of all Arrat culture.

Though primarily seen for their hunting skills, the Arrat have a rich and beautiful culture which includes a healthy sense of spiritualism. While enjoying hunting, eating, mating and dancing the Arrat see to that their friends also enjoy life as much as they do. Arrat are suspicious of outsiders, but if a person succeeds in warming up to a pack, they will gain an ally for life. On the other hand if they anger a pack they will gain a relentless enemy.


  • Farscape Rolepalying Game (2002)