Alien Species

The Arisians are an ancient race of powerful telepathic organisms native to the transcended planet Arisia. They are the undisputed masters of psionics, and the creators of the mighty Lenses; powerful devices utilized by the Galactic Patrol to enhance their own psionic abilities.

The Arisians are the original species, though to be so ancient that their early history actually formed the basic rules of development for a growing civilization: from stone to iron, iron to gunpowder, gunpowder to steam-engines, steam to Nuclear power, and finally, the space age. Following this, there is transcendence; a perfect state of supreme psionic mastery, which only the Arisians have, so far, achieved.

They are the Guardians of Civilization; charged with ensuring that the wonderful phenomena called “intelligent life” never disappears from the universe. As such, they are diametrically opposed to the power-hungry and naturally chaotic Eddorians.



During their early history, the Arisians strongly resembled baseline Humans, with only minor differences to set the two species apart. However, after countless billions of years of physical and psionic evolution, they came to resemble nothing so much as massive disembodied brains, with only a few remaining extrusions used for the purposes of locomotion and the consumption of food.

Powers and abilities[]

Arisians possess immense mentallic abilities, allowing them to communicate with and manipulate the minds of other creatures across considerable distances, and even kill them outright with purely mental force, referred to as a “mental bolt.” They are also fully capable of appearing as anything the current observer can conceive of, even appearing as different things to the same observer at the same time. This has led some to revere the Arisians in the manner of Gods, thought the Arisians neither accept or discourage such practices; they care only about ensuring the survival of civilization, not what these civilizations think of them.
