Alien Species

Arcon's species is an unnamed sapient species of shapeshifters.


The natural form of this species is not known. Although they are capable of shapeshifting, they cannot assume a truly Human appearance. The closest they can manage is a blue humanoid form that appears almost fully Human, save for the blue skin and lack of hair.

When Arcon first met Penny Robinson, Dr. Smith and the Robot on planet Gamma VI, he appeared in a form closely resembling Keema's species, albeit with Human-like hands. In this form, Arcon was unable to breathe the oxygen atmosphere of Gamma VI, thus further setting this form apart from Keema's species, which is able to survive on Gamma VI without trouble. It isn't know whether this Keema-like form represents Arcon's real form, but for the reasons stated above, it seems more likely that it was an attempted imitation of Keema's species, much like his blue humanoid form was an attempted approximation of a Human.

Members of Arcon's species don't eat, as they derive all their energy from solar radiation, making them phototrophs. They don't have a heart, and their physiology is distinct from Humans in several aspects. They are oviparous, live for hundreds of years, and find temperatures of -3 °C to be comfortable. One trait they do share with Humans, however, is that they require sleep, and seem to be capable of dreaming. Their abilities include teleportation and some level of telekinesis.

Culture and society[]

Arcon's species has no concept of family. Individuals are born from eggs and hatched in a central incubator.

Notable members[]

Arcon is a member of this mysterious species and the guardian of a powerful amulet. For hundreds of years he has been searching over the galaxy for someone with a pure spirit and no temptation, to which he could trust the care of the amulet.


  • Lost in Space, s02e30, "The Galaxy Gift" (1967)


  • Arcon claims that when he was Penny's age (i.e. 13) he was already able to speak every language of the galaxy. This is likely to be either an exaggeration or due to telepathy.