The Archein were a race of highly technologically advanced beings from the Andromeda Galaxy whose home world, Archeinia, was 2.5 million light-years from the Sol system.
The Archein were led by the Grand Majan. The Archein's faith focused on worshiping the Great Ones. One precept of their faith instructed followers not to take things by force from others.
In the Star Trek: Hidden Frontier / Star Trek: Intrepid Universe[]
In the late 24th century, a slowly expanding quantum singularity posed a major threat to the Archein and the Kelvans. By this time, one of the Kelvan moons had been encompassed by the singularity. It was predicted that by 2394, the singularity would make the quadrant that the Archeins occupied uninhabitable.
In The Destroyers timeline[]
The Archein had a government called the Archein Authority.