Alien Species

The Arakshu are an alien species from Grey Area.


Vaguely humanoid with eyeless faces and black armored exo-skeleton with several bone protrusions. They possess claws that can easily rend human flesh.


The Arakshu had established an embassy on Earth. It's ambassador, Uuveth attempted to use his diplomatic immunity to avoid punishment for horrific acts of sadism committed against humans for his own gratification. However the Exo Transfer Control Squads went to apprehend after the ambassador "inflicted" harm on one of their agents. When the Uuveth refused to cooperate he showed his belligerence towards humanity, seeing them as primitives and only a matter of time before the stars overtake them. Uuveth is killed and his death starts a series of retaliation by his kind. First by hiring the alien assassins Ethreth Twan to kill Bullet, the man who killed the ambassador, and later sending the God-Star to Earth. Eventually the actions of the Arakshu caught up with them by the Congruence for their use in God-Star technology.


  • This Island Earth by Abnett and Carter (2012)
  • Did You Pack Your Own Luggage? by Abnett and Patrick Goddard (2014)