Alien Species

The Arachnids, also known as the Bugs, the Pseudo-Arachnids, and the Archie, are a race of insectoid organisms indigenous to the planet Klendathu, which is the hub of their Arachnid Empire. Despite their primitive appearance, they do in fact possess technological prowess, likely in the form of bio-organics.


Arachnids are a hive-based species. Physically, they've been described as looking like "a madman's conception of a giant, intelligent spider". Their eyes are naturally suited to seeing in infrared: though pitch dark to Human eyes, the underground corridors of a Bug colony are well lit when viewed by the infrared "snoopers" used by the Mobile Infantry.

Culture and society[]

Bug society is based on a caste system. Despite appearing as generally mindless insectoids to some observers; they are in fact a technological civilization with access to spacecraft, beam weapons and other advanced devices.

Arachnid colonies are ruled and organized by an extremely intelligent overmind. When Rico and Carmen were dissecting Arkellian Sand Beetles, the biology teacher stated that the Bugs have millions of years of evolution behind them and are, in terms of survival capability, the perfect species. They have the ability to colonize planets "by hurling their spore into space" and possess a social structure which fits their mental capabilities. They can also communicate with the Behemecoatyl, or the God Bug who leads and guides them.


The Arachnid Quarantine Zone consists of many star systems colonized by the Arachnids. At the turning point of their evolution, Plasma Bugs developed the ability to fire spores into orbit. Utilizing an organic star drive, the spores can travel to other systems and impact with planets, thus spreading Arachnid eggs and creating a new generation of Bugs.


  • Although they are called Arachnids, they are not truly biologically related to terrestrial arachnids and arthropods.
  • The Bugs in the film differ considerably from those in the novel, which calls the Bugs "Pseudo-Arachnids". Meanwhile, Mongoose Publishing's Starship Troopers: The Miniatures Game refers to them as the Arachnid Empire. In the third film in the franchise, the bugs are referred to as "Archie", similar to nicknames given to Germans ("Jerry") and the Vietnamese ("Charlie") in their respective wars.
  • In the first film, Klendathu, Tango Urilla, and Planet P are the only worlds explicitly shown to be colonized by Arachnids, though an unspecified number of planets are under their control. It is also shown that they slaughtered a colony of "Mormon extremists" on planet Dantana. In the TV show, Zegema Beach is on a planet known as Tesca Nemorosa.
  • Despite bearing a resemblance to Earth insect such as well, spiders, the Arachnids appear to be mammalian in biology, this can be denoted via their lack of an exoskeleton (a skeletal system used by most insects) and them appearing to have singular unified eyes instead of modular ones.