Alien Species

The Antle are the sapient native inhabitants of a world that Charlotte Pollard has referred to as "the planet of flying cars and creatures". She identifies the Antle as a genus, as opposed to a species.


The Antle are large creatures with flapping tendrils around their mouths, long fibrous arms and more than two legs. Even children stand over 10 ft. tall (~ 3 meters). The skin around their eyes turns blue when they feel certain emotions, such as suspicion. Like many species, they express sadness by weeping. They go through several larval stages. Their diet is omnivorous, including roots and crustaceans.

Culture and society[]

The Antle live in family units and seem to be a hospitable people. Different larval stages have differing legal status in their society. At some point in their lives, they gain the right to choose their own names.


  • Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories, Short Trips: Volume 2, "Letting Go" (2011)