Alien Species

The Antica are a race of insectoid beastmen inhabiting the desert regions of Vana'diel, particularly Kuzotz.

Biology and Culture[]

Antican are bipedal insectoids, most resembling the common ant. They possess no emotions, and follow a hive mentality. Antica reproduce very quickly, and newborn Antica are given a number and a job that they will continue to follow for the rest of their lives.


The Antica originally lived underground, particularly under the Altepa desert in the land of Kuzotz. However, perhaps disturbed by the Galka who inhabited the area above ground, rose up and wrested the land from the Galka, who were greatly outnumbered.

The Antica did not take part in the Crystal War, but it is said that if they had joined the Shadow Lord in his campaign, the Allied Forces surely would have fallen.
