Alien Species

The Anjellyuns are a race of creatures that are encountered within Rugrats: Royal Ransom.


Anjellyuns are simple-looking creatures with no arms or legs present on their bodies. Their anatomy is made up of a single mass, split vaguely into two larger half on each end with a slimmer area connecting the two. Their skin is orange in color, some having a purple streak going vertically along their bodies. They have a singular, large eye located on one of the two ends.

Anjellyuns move in a matter similar to an Earth "slinky": moving each end forward until it is placed on the ground, to which they swing their other end forward and repeat. This suggests no skeletal structure in their anatomy.


Anjellyuns had been commonly observed to use their own eyeballs as a form of weaponry against threats. After throwing their eyes at the threat, the released eyeball then explodes upon contact, suggesting a volatile chemical make-up.

As they can remove their own eye, Anjellyuns are also shown regenerative properties, as they are capable of regrowing their lost eyes moments after releasing the previous form of eye.


Many Anjellyuns are shown to be violent towards other lifeforms, and will attack if approached by anything that isn't one of their own kind, including juvenile or even infant forms of life.
