The Angels were creatures who originated from Adam, the First Angel who was sent by the First Ancestral Race, Their forms are completely unique to one another, however they comprise of one single race. They are essentially humans, having a 99.98% genetic match with humans.
The Angels' main motive is to reach Lilith to initiate the Third Impact, which will reset all life on Earth so the Angels can reclaim it. A few Angels, such as Leliel, desire to learn about human psychology instead.
Angel Types[]
- Adam (1stAngel)
- Adam is the origin of the 15 other angels, but whose soul was transferred into the 17th angel, Tabris
- Lilith (2nd Angel)
- Lilith is the origin of all life on Earth (including humanity) and is the only angel that is not normally hostile
- Sachiel (3rd Angel)
- Shamshel (4th Angel)
- Ramiel (5th Angel)
- Gaghiel (6th Angel)
- Israfel (7th Angel)
- Sandalphon (8th Angel)
- Matarael (9th Angel)
- Sahaquiel (10th Angel)
- Ireul (11th Angel)
- Leliel (12th Angel)
- Bardiel (13th Angel)
- Zeruel (14th Angel)
- Arael (15th Angel)
- Armisael (16th Angel)
- Tabris (17th Angel)
- Also known as Kaworu Nagisa, taking form of a 15-year-old boy.
- Lilin (18th Angel)
- Also known as Humans. Unlike the other angels, they originate from Lilith instead of Adam.