Alien Species

Andreenids are a sapient species of bee-like humanoids from the planet Eternia.



Andreenid children.

Andreenids are Human-sized insectoids which fly on four transparent-yellow wings. They have pincer-shaped hands and tridactyl feet. Their eyes are blue.

Andreenid children differ from adults by having both hair and antennae, while the adults have neither.

At least some members of this species are known to be phenomenally strong, being capable of flying while carrying two Humans and a Green Tiger.

Andreenids are closely related to the Arachna species.

Culture and society[]


An Andreenid hive.

Andreenids live in hives and produce honey, which they store for the winter. Tycons have been known to raid Andreenid hives to steal their supplies of honey.


  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
    • s02e74, "Island of Fear" (1984)
    • s02e79, "Disappearing Dragons" (1984)
    • s02e103, "The Good Shall Survive" (1984)
    • s02e122, "Search for a Son" (1984)


  • The name of this species originates from the 2002 series.