Alien Species

The Ancestrals are the first species to arise on Argent D'Nur, created by the Wraithcall of the Elemental Wraiths.


Little is known of Ancestral biology, only that they were massive beings towering far above the Argenta, albeit notably smaller than Titans. Their level of intelligence and sapience is unknown, but they were known to be extremely aggressive to other species and to each other. They appear to have also been far weaker than Titans, as early Argenta weaponry could bring down the Ancestrals, but advanced Sentinel weaponry short of the Crucible and Atlan armaments could not bring down a Titan.


The Ancestrals were the first lifeforms to arise from the Wraithcall on Argent D'Nur. The Ancestrals were feral and aggressive, battling each other for territory across Argent D'Nur, ravaging the world's surface as they spread. Soon, the Wraithcall spawned the sapient Human-like Argenta, who stood against the Ancestrals. While initially unable to properly fight back, the Argenta developed weaponry capable of harming Ancestrals, forming armies to wage war against them. The Ancestrals were soon driven out of the Argenta homeland and to distant wastelands, where they presumably went extinct, as Argenta historians never mentioned them as being active again. The Ancestrals were one of the factors that shaped Argenta society into a hardened warrior culture, and may have been the inspiration for the Aggadian, a cyclopean being in Argenta legends.


  • Doom Eternal (2020) (mentioned only)