The term "Anathema" refers to any living organism infected and mutated by Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15, more commonly known as the Black Liquid or the Pathogen. The rate and severity of the victim's mutations vary depending on severity of exposure.
Anathema Life Cycle[]
Stage 1[]
After a living organism is exposed to the Black Liquid, they may begin to show signs of paranoia and epiphoria. The victim's internal microorganisms would also be mutated, resulting in tiny worm-like creatures becoming visible in their eyes and bodily fluids.
Stage 2[]
The infected organism experiences fever-like symptoms and intense pain which gradually increases over time. They may also exhibit skin decomposition, blackened veins and darkened eyes.
Stage 3[]
The infected organism becomes severely deformed by the Pathogen. Higher brain functions seemingly cease and they become highly aggressive to anything they encounter.
Stage 4[]
The Anathema's body begins to break down and disintegrate, releasing the Pathogen into the atmosphere and spreading the infection throughout their immediate area.
Known Anathema[]
Sacrifice Engineer: A Mala'kak who ingested the Black Liquid in an apparent sacrificial ritual on prehistoric Earth, disintegrating entirely and catalysing the evolution of life on Eath.
Charlie Holloway: Human archaeologist infected after ingesting the Black Liquid spiked into his drink. Charlie was killed by Meredith Vickers after advancing to stage 2 of the infection.
Sean Fifield: Human geologist infected after falling into the Black Liquid. Sean quickly mutated into a stage 3 Anathema and went on a violent rampage before he was killed.
Hammerpedes: worm-like organisms mutated by the Pathogen into aggressive snake-like creatures with considerable healing capabilities.
Trilobite: before his infection was discovered, Charlie Holloway engaged in intercourse with his colleague, Elizabeth Shaw. Despite her sterility, she became pregnant with the parasitic Trilobite, which she removed with an automatic surgical unit. The Trilobite grew to a massive size and attacked the hostile Mala'kak discovered by the crew of the Prometheus, subduing him and implanting the unborn Deacon. (The Trilobite's behaviour is extremely similar to the Facehuggers utilised by Xenomorphs, right down to it dropping dead upon successful implantation.
Neomorph: during his experiments involving the Pathogen and Xenomorphs on LV-223, the android David caused the growth of pathogen-based fungus which released parasitic spores. Upon entering a host's body via any available orifice, these spores would gestate a Neomorph inside their body. Despite sharing numerous characteristics with the Xenomorphs, Neomorphs lacked acidic blood, armoured chitin, bladed tails and only possessed a lifespan of one day, implying their intentional creation as bioweapons.
Elden: Bio-mechanical android who retained his intellect after his infection and mutation. Elden was driven mad and vengeful by his transformation.
Mutated Yautja: Unnamed Yautja hunter bitten by Elden and mutated into a three-armed cannibalistic monster
Pathogen Husks: Humans infected by the Pathogen during Weyland-Yutani's investigation of a functional Mala'kak ship on LV-895.
Pathogen Poppers: Spider-like creatures mutated from infected rodents or another lifeform native to LV-895. Poppers typically travel in swarms and destroy themselves in suicidal attacks against their prey.
Pathogen Stalkers: The result of a Leon-895 mutating from exposure to the Pathogen. Two of its six legs have been repurposed as stabbing limbs and its natural camouflage abilities have been augmented.
Pathogen Blights: Similar in appearance to the Pathogen Stalkers, Blights differ in their reduced durability and ability to spit acidic globules. What they mutated from remains unclear.
Pathogen Runners: Xenomorph Runners mutated by the Pathogen. Heavily deformed, Pathogen Xenomorphs are openly hostile to all life, including uninfected Xenomorphs, but cooperate with other Anathema, regardless of species of origin.
Pathogen Brute: Anathema mutated from Xenomorph Warriors or Drones. They have lost their faces, tails and ability to scale walls and ceilings. Their arms have malformed into club-like masses of flesh with which they bludgeon their prey.
Pathogen Queen: A Xenomorph Queen infected with the Pathogen. Effectively sterilised by the infection, the Pathogen Queen seems to serve solely as the leader of the infected Xenomorphs. Her arm mutated into a club-like mass of flesh and she gained the ability to fire quills from her carapace or spray acid at threats.