Alien Species

The Altairians are a species of insectoids from Altair IV, intent on invading Earth through use of infiltrators and commando units.


Altairians bear a standard humanoid appearance, standing around the average height of a Human and with similar proportions. However, their heads are visibly insectoid, resembling ants, with insect mandibles, compound eyes, and maxillae-like structures near their mandibles. The insect aliens also sport black exoskeletons in place of skin. Some members of this species have smaller eyes and maxillae than others, which could be a difference between sexes. For reasons unknown, the Altairians often extend their pinkies out while doing various actions. It is possible that they are unable to bend their pinkies. Their maxillae, and possibly mandibles, are presumably retractable to fit in a Human disguise.

Culture and society[]

Altairians seek to invade other planets with strategies involving infiltration units and frontal assaults. Many members of this species are known to wear identical white jumpsuits with red vests, which is most likely a military uniform, although it lacks any visual distinctions between ranks and positions. They utilize members of their own race in commando training camps, which simulate invasions, to play the part of the species they plan to invade, such as Humans, appearing to rewrite the minds of the subjects to make them believe they are members of the target species. The reason for this is unknown, but it is most likely to create authenticity and unpredictable scenarios for the invaders-in-training. These subjects are eventually promoted to play the parts of infiltrators in an invasion simulation. Altairians seem to value certain qualities that Humans can display, such as aggressiveness and independence, and yet do not wish for their soldiers to bear all of the qualities of a Human.



An Altairian ship captures Kevin's car in the simulation

Altairians are capable of interstellar travel, using flying saucer-shaped spacecrafts that emit magnetic pulses. They also utilize energy weapons that create explosions on impact, existing as both their basic handheld weaponry and the armaments on their spacecrafts. They are also able to disguise as Humans, and although they claim that the Human masks are merely rubber, their insectoid features makes it clear that there is some unknown technology within the costumes, allowing them a full range of Human facial movements. The flash of a camera can show their true forms under the disguises. The Altairians also possess technology that can enable them to rewrite minds, able to implant enough memories and personality traits to convince members of their own species that they are Human, and have always been Human, and can later "reprogram" their subjects for other purposes. They can also create elaborate simulated environments in the image of target planets, such as creating an entire town.


In 1955, the Altairians were set on invading Earth, and had two of their members "reprogrammed" into believing they are Humans, in order to play the part of potential witnesses to an invasion. These members, a male and a female, were given the names of Dr. Kevin Carson and Faith, and made to believe that they are a couple, with Faith having family in the town of Beaumont, and Kevin being an astronomy professor. Within the simulated environment, Kevin and Faith drive towards the town of Beaumont, where they spot a flying saucer land nearby, emitting an orange glow and a magnetic pulse that disables Kevin's watch. Kevin, intrigued, goes to investigate, catching a glimpse of the undisguised Altairians, presumably frontal assault trainees. At Faith's urging, Kevin retreats with her to his car, pursued by some Altairians that fire at them with explosive energy beams. They arrive in Beaumont, which is populated by insect alien infiltrators. One of the infiltrators, playing the part of a sheriff, informs Kevin and Faith that the UFO was actually a crashed US Air Force plane, and drives them out to prove it. When they arrive, they find that the flying saucer is no longer visible, replaced by a plane crash surrounded by more insect aliens, disguised US Air Force investigators. An alien disguised as an Air Force officer shakes Kevin's hand in an odd way, leaving his pinky out. Then, camera flash briefly shows the insectoid bodies of the sheriff and an Air Force officer, prompting Kevin and Faith to run back to Beaumont.

In Beaumont, Faith attempts to reach her uncle, and Kevin attempts to convince a telegraphist named H.G. Orson to send a message to the world. However, both Faith and Kevin quickly discover that Faith's uncle and Orson are also aliens, and attempt to leave Beaumont, only to be chased down and abducted by the flying saucer, ending their role in the simulation. Out of the simulated environment and in reprogramming tubes, the infiltrators, now dressed in white jumpsuits and red vests, tell Kevin and Faith that they are both Altairians playing the role of Humans in a simulated invasion. To prove it, they remove their masks, and then have a reprogrammed Faith remove her mask as well. Kevin, deemed to be acting "too Human," has his mask removed while he is reprogrammed. Kevin is then placed into another simulation, which appears the same as the one he was in, except this time, he is playing the role of the infiltrator sheriff, while another insect alien has been reprogrammed into the role of a Human witness.


  • The Twilight Zone, s01e26a, "A Day in Beaumont" (1986)


  • The name 'Altairian' is never actually said in the episode, but is rather derived from their homeworld/home-star system, Altair IV in the Alpha Aquilae system.
  • It is unknown if the town of Beaumont is an in-universe actual location on Earth used in the simulation, or a completely fabricated environment.
  • During the simulation, insect aliens were seen carrying giant seed pods and placing them on the ground. It is unknown what the purpose of the seed pods are, only that they are a reference to Invasion of the Body Snatchers.