This unnamed humanoid species appears in "Alien Detektor", the 38th episode of the German children's TV show Tolle Sachen.
Not much is known about this species, not even the name or the original appearance. The only known individuum was human-looking and overall looked like a bald Caucasian man, although this could also be a disguise to trick humans. It was on a mission on Earth, more specificly in Germany where it was working as a film crew member during the production of the commercial show Tolle Sachen. The alien wore a black trousers as well as a black shirt with a silver star-shaped symbol on the chest with which it could communicate to a spaceship of his species that seemed to orbit Earth.
One day, shortly after the filming of one episode in which an alien detector was advertised, the alien was advised to tidy up the set. When trying to take the alien detector, the alien was detected and a loud alarm went off. Quickly, the alien called the spaceship to pick him up, as the viewers of the show discovered his secret. He was then beamed up onto the spaceship and the species was never seen again.
- Tolle Sachen #38: Alien Detektor (2000)