Alien Species

This Unnamed species briefly attempted to invade the Earth.


The species has a vaguely humanoid appearance, with their brains being in oddly placed in their pelvis, they have a bodily structure similar to the Poleepkwa, implying a similar high-gravity background, their eyes have a amphibian-esque quality to them, implying an amphibious origin, they have three nostrails, tendrils on their arms, seven digits on their hands, and two tusks. Their blood is green and gelatinous.

Culture and Society[]

The species is said to go from planet to planet invading and destroying civilizations, this implies a nomadic existence, they send scout parties to planets and have them take on the outward appearance of the natives, over a 6 month (this is just one example, time periods may vary) they begin by finding a base of operations in a location with large quantities of necessary materials (such as a large megastore), when they have completely assimilated into the planet's society (by the standards of the natives of the planet) they send a message to the fleet, which then proceeds to go to and destroy the planet.
