This Alien Lifeform is a being discovered on the planet AUM-1577 in 2020, after a asteroid struck down onto the planet's surface.
The skin texture is black in color with red patterns all over the surface, but doesn't seem to possess any visible sensory organs. The main detail noted on this creature is its tentacles that sprout from its base, acting as roots that allow it to absorb energy and proteins around itself. Its size seems to be indeterminate, only limited by the amount of energy its able to consume. Current reports of this lifeform find it the size of a planet.
It's incapable of direct speech, but it is able to take control of advanced mechanical devices, such as A.I., to communicate with other lifeforms. This suggests a surprisingly high intelligence for such a simplistic being.
A asteroid carrying the Alien Lifeform crashed onto the surface of AUM-1577, where it is taken and studied by a Human and A.I. research pair. At the start, it was almost microscopic in size, but after gaining the energy from the station's reactor, it began to grow to immense sizes and quickly over-powered the entire station, and killed the only human scientist present.