Alien Species

The Akadi are a species of extremely dangerous life forms which roam the jungles of the planet Midworld.


Akadi are physically formidable beasts, about the size of a German shepherd, which find their greatest strength in numbers and perseverance. Their bodies are thick but flexible, without necks or tails, and covered in orange fur. Their blood is green. They have three pairs of thin black legs tipped with a single curved claw, which allow them to move through the tree branches effectively. Their faces are dominated by two sets of jaws: one of which moves vertically and the other horizontally. These jaws are so strong that they can cut through the toughest wood or bones without difficulty. They're equipped with razor-sharp triangular teeth on the vertical jaws, and square serrated teeth on the horizontal jaws, which are also slightly curved backwards to lead the food into the interior of the maw. Behind these jaws the Akadi have three black eyes. However, their eyesight is poor, and has to be compensated by other senses such as smell and touch. They also have three tentacles, two of which are located on each side of the head and the third on the underside. The tentacles are tipped with jagged suckers, and used to manipulate and hold prey while the jaws tear it apart.

Akadi form swarms which move through the jungles devouring and destroying everything in their path. Any resistance they encounter will be fought, and they even go as far as to remember the smell of anything that came close enough to them, and follow these creatures until they too are devoured. When engaged in battle, the Akadi will fight invariably to the death. The only time they will retreat is when the night falls, as they're strictly diurnal, and prefer to rest at night. If two different Akadi swarms should meet, they will fight each other until both are all but destroyed.


  • Midworld, by Alan Dean Foster (1975)