Alien Species

The Achaia are an advanced race of aliens from planet Achaia in Rosette Nebula. They are a highly advanced race capable of traveling between solar systems across hundreds of light years. Their understandings of physics, science, AI, relativity, and quantum mechanics are above the standard at which Humans are currently capable of.

The initial motivations of the Achaians were unknown to the people of Earth or the other worlds to which they sent their Artifacts to. While it is revealed that they control separate 336 solar systems and worlds, it becomes rapidly clear, thanks to another alien AI, that they seek destruction in the worlds they travel to.

Achaia travel in large, infinity symbol shaped ships made of a very durable unknown material. These ships are able to destroy entire planets simply by crashing into them, and the inside of the ships are mostly empty and dark except for the Achaian beings that inhabit them.

