Alien Species

Aandrisk are a sapient reptilian race native to the planet Hashkath. They are notable for their physical socialising and casual views towards sex and sexuality. Aandrisk are one of the three founding species of the Galactic Commons.


Aandrisk are visually similar to reptiles and stand upright, possessing green or blue scales and flat multi-coloured feathers on their head and the rear of their neck. Aandrisk are androgynous, taller than Humans and possess clawed hands and feet.

Aandrisk reproduce sexually and Aandrisk children develop externally in an egg.

Culture and society[]

Aandrisk are very physical in socialising and hold casual views towards sex and sexuality. The main native Aandrisk language is Reskitkish.

Aandrisk children are not deemed to have personhood until the development of feathers occurs, this is due to the high rate of unhatched eggs and high mortality rates that are experienced during the developmental stages of a Aandrisk children and is deemed a necessity for a species that reproduces casually.

Aandrisk familial structure is separated into three distinct categories.

The first category "Hatch Family", refers to the group Aandrisk are raised by during childhood. After childhood they are expected to create or join a new social group called a "Feather Family", the second category. "Feather Families" are characterized as close social groups that are formed out of choice and transitioning from one "Feather Family" to another is not uncommon. Older Aandrisk are expected to eventually leave "Feather Families" and either create or join a "House Family", the third category, which refers to a social group that raises young Aandrisk, this in turn becomes the "Hatch Family" of newly born Aandrisk.
